Safeguarding Policy

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AiCore is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless of their age, background, or circumstances. This safeguarding and well-being policy outlines our commitment to promoting the safety, health, and well-being of all individuals engaging with our services. This policy sets a framework for the expected standard of behaviour.

Our Safeguarding Policy Principles

Our safeguarding policy and associated policies are based on the following principles:

  • The welfare of vulnerable adults is the primary concern;
  • All vulnerable adults have the right to protection from abuse;
  • It is the responsibility of experts to determine if abuse has taken place, but it is everyone's responsibility to report any concerns using the appropriate procedures outlined in this policy;
  • All incidents of suspicious practice and allegations must be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately;
  • Confidentiality must be upheld in line with all current legislation.


The aim of this policy is to:

  • Give a clear statement of AiCore's approach to Safeguarding
  • Clarify the roles and responsibilities of all employees and partners
  • Provide the principle upon which our processes and procedures are built
  • Signpost to the associated policies and procedures which support this aim
  • Be clear about how AiCore will embed the principles of Safeguarding through their associated policies and procedures
  • Outline the associated support that will be available


This policy applies to:

  • Employees (individuals who work – or have applied to work for AiCore either on a permanent, temporary, contractual, or voluntary basis)
  • Partners delivering who receive and/or are providing AiCore services on our behalf
  • AiCore service users, customers, learners, trainees, and apprentices
  • External stakeholders and visitors who may have access to service users or data

Failure to adhere to this and associated policies will lead to disciplinary proceedings up to and including dismissal.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the promotion of the well-being of children, young people and vulnerable adults and the detection, referral, and prevention of abuse.

What do we mean by "at risk" in Safeguarding terms?

A person becomes vulnerable to being harmed (whether it's someone who uses our services or an employee) if they are at risk of harm from others.

Raising Safeguarding Concerns

Tell Someone — Share your concerns with someone you trust if you feel uneasy or uncomfortable about someone or something online.

Report such concerns via the following link

In the event that there are issues with the online form, please contact

British Values at Ai Core

At AiCore, we uphold Fundamental British Values, including Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.


The Prevent Agenda is part of the government's counter-terrorism strategy, aiming to prevent individuals from becoming or supporting terrorists. For more detail please review the dedicated policy.


Extremism, as defined by the Home Office, opposes fundamental British values. It covers various forms of terrorism and extremism, including the extreme right wing, violent groups, and other causes.

Recognising extremist behaviours includes changes in dress or behaviour, secretive conduct, sympathy towards extremist causes, and possession of extremist literature.

What can you do to support a safe environment?

  • Refrain from causing harm or offence to others through your behaviour
  • Avoid using social networking, mobile phones, or other electronic devices to engage in bullying or harmful activities
  • Treat others with respect and dignity, following the golden rule of treating others as you would like to be treated
  • Cultivate relationships based on equality and a comfortable mutual understanding

If you are harmed or abused by others, report it to a member of staff.


The internet serves as a vast platform for information and communication. It is crucial to recognise that not all online information or individuals can be deemed trustworthy. Here is a helpful guide on maintaining online safety:

Stay safe

Refrain from disclosing personal details to unfamiliar people, companies, or entities.

Don't meet up

Meeting someone you've only interacted with online poses potential risks. Always consult with someone you trust before arranging a meetup.

Accepting files

Avoid accepting emails, files, pictures, or messages from unknown sources, as they may lead to problems.


Cross-check information before accepting it as true. Evaluate the credibility of the person or website providing the information.

Reporting Concerns

If you have concerns related to any of the safeguarding aspects mentioned above, we encourage you to take action. You can:

  • Speak to your Dedicated Success Manager or a Support Engineer
  • Complete the online concern form, which allows for anonymous reporting
  • We encourage providing your contact details for a more effective response
  • Contact our safeguarding team via email at
  • Please report all concerns using our reporting form

Reporting Concerns - What to include

  • Your name — providing your name is immensely helpful for follow-up and further clarification. While the form allows for anonymous reporting, please consider using this option only if absolutely necessary, as taking action may be limited without knowing your identity. Note that our third-party reporting tool anonymises communication, ensuring the confidentiality of the email address provided for anonymous submissions.
  • A comprehensive description of the incident — provide a detailed account of what transpired. If the incident occurred online, share the relevant text by linking to or sending it to us. If the incident took place in person, specify the words spoken or actions taken by the other person(s). Concrete details are crucial for effective action.
  • Where and when the incident occurred — include the location and timing of the event.
  • Any additional context — offer relevant information such as examples of a recurring pattern of similar behaviour from the individual involved, and whether you have a relationship with this person outside of the context in question.
  • Your response to the incident — inform us of any actions you have already taken. This provides insight into the current state of the situation.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Lydia De Pedro. In her absence or if the concern is related to Lydia, you can contact:

Blair Martin, Lead Engineer and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Our fully trained Safeguarding Team are available to offer advice and guidance to ensure that anyone at risk is given the right support. Our Safeguarding team is available to help. Email us at

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct governs the behaviours and rules that apply to all individuals associated with Ai Core. It is designed with safeguarding in mind and includes the following:

Reporting any concerns to the Ai Core Safeguarding team. The Ai Core Safeguarding team will assess each situation and determine the appropriate course of action, considering factors such as the specific scenario and the individual's status as an Ai Core learner or graduate.

Emergency Support

In case of immediate danger or urgent concerns outside Ai Core's core hours (9am–5pm, working days), contact emergency services at 999 (UK) or 112 (other regions/countries). If you need emergency well-being support, you can call The Samaritans at 116 123 in the UK or Ireland.

What happens when a safeguarding concern is raised?

Once we're notified of a safeguarding concern, we can't promise to not share or act on it. We have a duty of care to all our learners and so where there is risk of harm or the possibility of abuse, we will take action.

Additionally, we offer access to assistance to aid learners in addressing issues related to their safety and overall well-being.

Should learners ever find themselves with concerns, feelings of discontent, or worries about the welfare of fellow learners, there is always someone available for discussion and support.